Friday, February 17, 2012

Prep for Lent 2012!

Lent is just around the corner, and this year I want to work extra hard to make it a good one. I want to grow spiritually, intellectually, and practically. What does this mean?

I want to get closer to God. This is my goal every singe day, but since it is so routine, I think I have lost my fervor. I need more of a sense of urgency. We never know which day will be our last. We also never know the impact of missed opportunities.

I want to become more well-versed in the virtues and leading a virtuous life. For myself and my family. I am shamefully ignorant, but eager to learn. I have my catechism & the library, and I am ready to go!

So often, Lent is just a 40 day break from the everyday, and on Easter, I just (sometimes more slowly than others) go right back to the way things were pre-Lent. I don't want it to be that way this time. I want to make some changes that can be permanent. Or long-lasting. Or whatever is appropriate.

In the last few days before Lent begins, I will try to come up with a concrete plan for Lent. What am I going to do specifically to exact the changes in myself that I am looking for? When am I going to find time to do them? How will I involve my family? What does God think of my plans?


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